Rehearse old knowledge or learn something new.
Now you can make a reservation at any of our courses this fall.

R has become one of the most widely used programs for statistical calculations, data visualization and AI.
At our five different courses, you will learn to use R and the integrated development environment (IDE) RStudio.
We alternate between lecture and practical exercises and will help you get better at both the statistics and the software with our unique approach.

R 1 – Introduction to R
• Handling data
• Data visualisation
• Correlations
• T-test
• Linear regression
Course dates: September 6 | October 18 | November 15

R 2 – Linear regression & ANOVA
• Modern statistical tests
• Linear regression
Course dates: September 7 | November 16

R 3 – Advanced regression models & survival analysis
• Logistic regression
• Poisson regression
• Kaplan-Meier curves
• Cox PH regression
• Log rank test
Course dates: October 4 | December 6

R 4 – Visualisation and data exploration
• Visualisation
• Exploratory data analysis
• The ggplot2 package
Course dates: October 5 | December 7

Courses just for you Choose from our material and set up a course just for your employees. In all our courses, we alternate between lectures and practical exercises in a unique way. You can choose from our five one-day courses in R. We can also adapt any of our existing educations based on your wishes.

Statistical consultation Individual sessions where one of our experts will help you with all or part of your statistical work. Regardless of what kind of help you need; you can count on both advice and support to be able to perform correct statistical analyzes.

fredag, oktober 11, 2024

Get started with R

Go from being a beginner to being able to perform your own analyses

måndag, april 15, 2024

Upcoming R courses

Start using R and learn how to handle the statistical methods you need to work independently with your own analyses.

onsdag, februari 14, 2024

May 21–22, 2024

Data and graph management with Basic statistics in SPSS

onsdag, november 15, 2023

Propensity Score Matching

What are the benefits?

torsdag, augusti 24, 2023

Get started!

Let us help you raise the quality of your work this fall.

fredag, februari 3, 2023

2 new R courses

• Introduction to modern statistics • Cluster analysis & SEM

onsdag, december 7, 2022

Get started in 2023

Courses in R & SPSS

fredag, mars 25, 2022

R4, what is it good for?

A short Q&A with the course developer Måns Thulin

tisdag, september 21, 2021

R 4 – new course!

Learn how to visually explore data in R.